Friday 18 January 2013

Book #3

Seven Days to Tell You - Ruby Soames

Well, I loved this book. I found it cheap on the Kindle sale and got it for 99p. Was intrigued after reading the reviews, it seems to be a lover or a hater but I loved it.

Its one of those books that if you get into it feels quite traumatic, with all the ups and downs, and sometimes I felt frustrated that I didnt find bits out sooner or that the characters didnt react the way I wanted them to but I definitely feel that sometimes that just draws you in more and I think its only taken me a couple of days and I enjoyed it so thats the main thing.

Well worth a read.

Saturday 12 January 2013

January 2013 Film list

* Avengers Assemble
* The girl with the dragon tattoo
* The girl who played with fire
* The Dark Knight rises

Book #2

Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett

Loved this book, incredibly funny and clever and not too long.

Loved Aziraphale and Crowleys characters

Friday 4 January 2013

Book #1

Jessie's Journey: Autobiography of a Traveller Girl by Jess Smith

I've literally just finished this (I read at strange hours of the day) and I gave it 3 stars on Goodreads. I'd have probably given it 3.5 had I the option but 3 will do.

It was a interesting insight into traveller life (and also interesting to learn abit about Scotland on the way) but it was a bit hard going and certainly wasn't a quick read.

One of those that I'm glad I've read it but I won't be going out of my way to read it again.

Thursday 3 January 2013

50 Film Challenge 2013

Similar to the book challenge, I love a good film.

Me and the mister attempted to keep track of the films we watched in 2012 but lost the way a little. I'll be interested to see how many we manage this year.

Will also be good to keep track of them as I often forget what's what!

50 Book Challenge 2013

I'm doing the 50 book challenge this year again.

In 2012 I read 51 books, at some point I'll list them.

In 2011 I read 14, so last year was a massive improvement!

I really can't beat reading for relaxing me and helping my mood.

I update my books on Goodreads now, so add me if you want- but I will attempt to review the books on here too throughout the year.